Many companies are working with the Golden Rule.
Steam, 7.9 Bar, 179.5'C
100A, 200 ~ 2,000kg/h
125A, 250 ~ 2,500kg/h
200A 1,500 ~ 15,000kgh
In August 2019, after delivery to the main steam line of the separation membrane filter manufacturing process at the LG Chem Cheongju Plant, it is an excellent mass flowmeter that has passed the performance and durability test for 4 years. This is the first case in Korea that proves that a steam flow meter, which had been dependent on imports, can be used as a domestic mass flow meter.Golden Rule's domestic mass flow meter opened the first way to reduce cost and maintenance costs. This data is a flow pattern comparing the imported differential pressure type area flow meter, the imported ultrasonic flow meter for cross check, and the FN mass flow meter of Golden Rule.
1/2“, H2, 300 ~ 5,000 SLPM, -50 to 95’C, 40Barg
“Hydrogen high-pressure parts test equipment” of Gasroad Co., Ltd., which had been dependent on imports. Through Gasroad Co., Ltd., a domestic manufacturer, the hydrogen mass flowmeter was boldly converted into a domestic mass flowmeter at the Hyundai Motor Research Center. This is the first case in Korea that proves that there is no inferiority even when used.Golden Rule's domestic mass flow meter opened the first way to reduce cost and maintenance costs. In addition, Samsung Electronics’ primary vendor, hydrogen equipment manufacturer, sells imported products. We are preparing for a sample test to replace it with our domestically produced mass flowmeter, the only one in Korea.
O2 Gas, 32A, 14.3-500 kg/h, 6.5-7 BAR, 20'C
N2 Gas, 65A, 2.9-100 kg/h, 6.5-7 BAR, 20'C
O2 Gas, 65A, 50-500 kg/h, 6.5-7Bar, 20'C
N2 Gas, 32A, 10-100 kg/h, 6.5-7Bar, 20'C
N2 Gas, 100A, 70 – 1,200 Nm3/h, 7.5 BAR, 25'C
Danil Gaschem, the largest gas manufacturer in Korea, we supplied POSCO Pohang, Ecopro Cheongju, Ecopro BM, Toray Advanced Materials Gumi, and LG Energy Solutions Cheongju as expensive import substitutes. This is the first case in which the excellence of the product has been verified by entering the market for the first time in a market dominated by imported products for a long time due to the nature of gas for trade, which requires very precision.
JP-8, 100A(2), 10.6 – 104 m3/h, 0.52 MPa, 110'C
JP-8, 15A(1), 0.0.6 – 0.6 m3/h, 0.52 MPa, 110'C
JP-8, 15A(2), 0.0.5 – 0.53 m3/h, 0.2 MPa, 150'C
Oil, 20A(2), 0.26 – 2.5 m3/h, 0.2 MPa, 150'C
Oil, 20A(4), 0.52 – 5 m3/h, 0.25 MPa, 150'C
Proved that there is no inferiority at all even if our domestic mass flowmeter is boldly applied and used as an imported substitute (Coriolis mass flowmeter) for the “Korean fighter jet test equipment”, a big project national project.This is the first case in Korea.Golden Rule's domestic mass flow meter has opened the way for Pilot Plantdp, which requires great cost reduction and high-precision measurement. Based on this performance, the existing rotary flow meter, which was mainly used for marine oil (Heavy Oil C) by leading overseas shipping companies, is not suitable for maintenance. Due to the problem of spending a lot of money and time, it has been replaced with a Coriolis mass flowmeter for a while. but too expensiveIn addition, due to the problem of long delivery time and too high maintenance cost, we are preparing for a sample test by receiving a request for a domestic mass flowmeter that has almost no breakdown or maintenance cost.
Bio Gas, 125A, 3.7-130Nm3/h, 43-1,500mmAq, 30'C ~> 3 generators
Bio Gas, 125A, 6-210Nm3/h, 20-250mmAq, 30'C ~> 1 digester tank
Cheongju Environmental Office, Uljin Livestock Manure, Hwaseong Copper Carbon Incineration Plant, Eumseong Livestock Manure Treatment Plant,It was supplied as an expensive import substitute to Gunpo biomass plant equipment and Yangsan livestock manure treatment plant. Currently, we are experiencing many difficulties due to problems with biogas flowmeters installed across the country.Imported flowmeters are too expensive, and due to problems such as long delivery times and maintenance costs, our The FN mass flow meter is becoming an alternative. There is no hunting and very high accuracy when measuring biogas containing pollutants such as moisture, particles, and dust.