Many companies are working with the Golden Rule. FN-Mass Flowmeter(345 unit) & Thermal Mass FlowMeter(1,976 unit) Representative Delivery Performance ~ Delivery of 2,321 units Korea's and the world's only patented product, differential pressure type mass flow meter for high temperature and high pressure
Currently, we are experiencing many difficulties due to problems with biogas flowmeters installed across the country.It is too expensive to replace with an imported flowmeter, so our FN mass flowmeter is becoming an alternative.There is no hunting and very high accuracy when measuring biogas containing pollutants such as moisture, particles, and dust.
Bio Gas, 350A, 25~40'C, 1,000Nm3/h
Operating pressure 250~300mmAq
Design pressure: 500mmAq
For measuring the rear end of digester tank
Bio Gas, 80A, 25~40'C, 70~700Nm3/h
1350mmAq / 1500mmAq / 1250mmAq
For measuring boiler feed
BIO GAS, 50A, 16 ~ 160 Nm3/h, 40’C, 1500mmAq
BIO GAS, 125A, 30 ~ 300 Nm3/h, 40’C, 1500mmAq